By implementing the Cancer Screening Program, Guam Cancer Care takes a stand against cancer and encourages a proactive approach to health through screening.
Guam Cancer Care works in collaboration with Guam Comprehensive Cancer Control Coalition, Public Health, Cancer Clinics, Non-Communicable Disease Consortium, and primary care Clinic and physicians to conduct an all year round cancer screening program for Guam residents. The Cancer Screening Program helps individuals see a provider for a general check-up with lab and local, participating Clinics.
persons who are currently insured will be informed of screening eligibility under their respective insurance coverage. Coordination and guidance on scheduling a clinical cancer screening exam with their provider or a provider of choice will be provided by our program.
the primary purpose of the cancer screening program is to reach out to our local community to take advantage of a free clinical cancer screening exam with a partnered clinic. Eligibility requirements are persons who are uninsured and are 21 years and older and meet the screening criteria set forth by the USPSTF guidelines.
This Nationally recognized questionnaire serves as a resource tool and allows individuals to take an online risk assessment. It is an informational tool to our cancer screening program as it provides information on how to lower their risk of a certain type of cancer or to continue what they are doing to stay risk free of cancer.